
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15299 From: ARIEF SUSANTO Date: 1/7/2018
Subject: More External Button

I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 
Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.
But I need to add some other external button for :

1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute
2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.
3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.

Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program

Thanks a lot for help,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 15300 From: tmday7 Date: 1/7/2018
Subject: Re: More External Button
Attachments :


    Attached is a main init c program I used on a knee mill that had external buttons one button being for Coolant pump, bit 18.




    From: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com [mailto:DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 10:13 AM
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [DynoMotion] More External Button





    I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 

    Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.

    But I need to add some other external button for :


    1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute

    2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.

    3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.


    Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program


    Thanks a lot for help,





    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15301 From: ARIEF SUSANTO Date: 1/8/2018
    Subject: Re: More External Button
    Hello Troy,

    Thank you for the example of c program, I copy some line of the program and modify the output bit of the coolant pump , all working fine.
    How about the c program for add external button of Single Step and external button for start home position, any suggestion?
    So far I still use the button provided on KMotionCNC to start Home Position, but I want to add external button to execute it.

    Thank you for your help..



    2018-01-08 0:22 GMT+07:00 'tmday7' tmday88@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:


    Attached is a main init c program I used on a knee mill that had external buttons one button being for Coolant pump, bit 18.




    From: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com [mailto:DynoMotion@ yahoogroups.com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 10:13 AM
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [DynoMotion] More External Button





    I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 

    Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.

    But I need to add some other external button for :


    1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute

    2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.

    3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.


    Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program


    Thanks a lot for help,





    Virus-free. www.avast.com
    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15303 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/8/2018
    Subject: Re: More External Button
    Hi ASM,

    See the example: KFLOPtoPCCmdExamples.c


    To perform a Single Step


    To push a User Button (or hidden button) that might do Homing:


    The PC_DSP.h command lists commands supported by KMotionCNC


    On 1/8/2018 5:40 AM, ARIEF SUSANTO sst.arief@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hello Troy,

    Thank you for the example of c program, I copy some line of the program and modify the output bit of the coolant pump , all working fine.
    How about the c program for add external button of Single Step and external button for start home position, any suggestion?
    So far I still use the button provided on KMotionCNC to start Home Position, but I want to add external button to execute it.

    Thank you for your help..



    2018-01-08 0:22 GMT+07:00 'tmday7' tmday88@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:


    Attached is a main init c program I used on a knee mill that had external buttons one button being for Coolant pump, bit 18.




    From: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com [mailto:DynoMotion@ yahoogroups.com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 10:13 AM
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [DynoMotion] More External Button





    I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 

    Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.

    But I need to add some other external button for :


    1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute

    2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.

    3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.


    Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program


    Thanks a lot for help,





    Virus-free. www.avast.com

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15313 From: ARIEF SUSANTO Date: 1/15/2018
    Subject: Re: More External Button
    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for your advice. I did it..
    The external button was working fine for Single Step.
    I did some test for other external button, for do homing, with this instruction in my init C program :


    But, no response.  I don't understand what is '3' on above instruction for?
    Sorry, I 'm beginner on C program..

    Thank you for all your help,



    2018-01-09 3:22 GMT+07:00 Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:

    Hi ASM,

    See the example: KFLOPtoPCCmdExamples.c


    To perform a Single Step


    To push a User Button (or hidden button) that might do Homing:

        DoPCInt(PC_COMM_USER_BUTTON,3) ;

    The PC_DSP.h command lists commands supported by KMotionCNC


    On 1/8/2018 5:40 AM, ARIEF SUSANTO sst.arief@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hello Troy,

    Thank you for the example of c program, I copy some line of the program and modify the output bit of the coolant pump , all working fine.
    How about the c program for add external button of Single Step and external button for start home position, any suggestion?
    So far I still use the button provided on KMotionCNC to start Home Position, but I want to add external button to execute it.

    Thank you for your help..



    2018-01-08 0:22 GMT+07:00 'tmday7' tmday88@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:


    Attached is a main init c program I used on a knee mill that had external buttons one button being for Coolant pump, bit 18.




    From: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com [mailto:DynoMotion@yahoogroups .com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 10:13 AM
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [DynoMotion] More External Button





    I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 

    Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.

    But I need to add some other external button for :


    1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute

    2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.

    3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.


    Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program


    Thanks a lot for help,





    Virus-free. www.avast.com

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 15314 From: TK A2 Date: 1/15/2018
    Subject: Re: More External Button
    Hi ASM,

    It is which User Button to push. 


    On Jan 15, 2018, at 3:38 AM, ARIEF SUSANTO sst.arief@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for your advice. I did it..
    The external button was working fine for Single Step.
    I did some test for other external button, for do homing, with this instruction in my init C program :


    But, no response.  I don't understand what is '3' on above instruction for?
    Sorry, I 'm beginner on C program..

    Thank you for all your help,



    2018-01-09 3:22 GMT+07:00 Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:

    Hi ASM,

    See the example: KFLOPtoPCCmdExamples.c


    To perform a Single Step


    To push a User Button (or hidden button) that might do Homing:

        DoPCInt(PC_COMM_USER_BUTTON,3) ;

    The PC_DSP.h command lists commands supported by KMotionCNC


    On 1/8/2018 5:40 AM, ARIEF SUSANTO sst.arief@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hello Troy,

    Thank you for the example of c program, I copy some line of the program and modify the output bit of the coolant pump , all working fine.
    How about the c program for add external button of Single Step and external button for start home position, any suggestion?
    So far I still use the button provided on KMotionCNC to start Home Position, but I want to add external button to execute it.

    Thank you for your help..



    2018-01-08 0:22 GMT+07:00 'tmday7' tmday88@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>:


    Attached is a main init c program I used on a knee mill that had external buttons one button being for Coolant pump, bit 18.




    From: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com [mailto:DynoMotion@yahoogroups .com]
    Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 10:13 AM
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: [DynoMotion] More External Button





    I want to put some more external button on my KFLOP. 

    Currently, I put some external button and execute "ExternalButton.c", all are working fine.

    But I need to add some other external button for :


    1. Running the Gcode in Single Step, I think to add one Switch to enable single step and using Start button to execute

    2. Switch Mist ON(M7) and Mist OFF(M9) from external button, and how to create the button for execute M7 and M9 in KMotionCNC.

    3. Start Home/Zero return from external button.


    Please if somebody here ever did, and please let me know an example of the C program


    Thanks a lot for help,





    Virus-free. www.avast.com